Joe Rogan's Unique Role In Undermining Pizzagate FULCRUMDecember 13, 2021Bunch of fucking assholes, Got Pizzagate right, got the mRNA vaccines being trash right too, no one else has a spine, they get those dolla billz though
Cybernetic Cuneiform: Cryptocurrency, The Surveillance State, And Deep Space Travel FULCRUMDecember 8, 2021
Chairwoman Maxine Waters' Make or Break Week For Cryptocurrency in D.C. FULCRUMDecember 5, 2021Maxine Waters, cryptocurrencies, D.C. this week
Blizzard Conditions In Hawaii, 100+ Mile Per Hour Wind Possible - News 12.4.2021 FULCRUMDecember 4, 2021Hawaii blizzard warning, weird 2021, fulcrum weekend
Ghislaine Maxwell Warned New Hire: You NEVER Look Jeffrey Epstein In The Eyes FULCRUMDecember 2, 2021ghislaine maxwell deposition, ghislaine maxwell, weird 2021, jeffrey epstein