FOX's Tucker Carlson Fires Back At Facebook For Sudden Censorship
FOX News host Tucker Carlson is irate that Facebook informed him the page for his nightly cable news show will receive Reduced Distribution due to sharing too much “false news.”
In the weeks leading up to the US election, Facebook is acting awfully strange, and the reduction of reach seems to always fall on those with independent voices and ideas, as well as mainstream conservatives such as Tucker Carlson. The strange axe of unilateral Free Speech Reduction seems to always invariably fall on those two camps, and never on a large liberal voice or brand.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg
Facebook CEO and founder Mark Zuckerberg has reportedly prided himself on being one of the most “outspoken” critics and opponents of President Trump among any CEO in America, a claim that may be more a hindrance than a help to Facebook Inc should Trump secure re-election in November’s vote.
A number of smaller conservative voices and brands have expressed frustration that Zuckerberg appears to be using “fact checkers” that are little more than blogs run by unknown editors, and financed by unknown interests — pretty much the opposite of what any crowdsourced, actually legitimate fact checking mechanism would look like under the hood.
Instead, we’re seeing unilateral, non-appealable decisions to silence well-known Americans before a historic election, based on completely unknowable decisions handed down by these faceless accuracy bloggers Facebook has conscripted to do its dirty deed of political censorship.