Your COVID-19 Coronavirus Great Awakening Super Explainer

The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has taken thousands of lives around the world and has now infected more than one million people globally.

Like the movie “Limitless,” the public must find itself feeling smarter than even a few weeks ago. Information is spreading fast and the populace is absorbing a lot while at home.

Like the movie “Limitless,” the public must find itself feeling smarter than even a few weeks ago. Information is spreading fast and the populace is absorbing a lot while at home.

The mass social distancing, and in many parts of the world recommended or mandatory stay-at-home orders, have meant all-time high traffic on the Internet — the world is at home or holed up in a hotel or apartment, waiting for this to pass, and conveniently catching up on all the true dark conspiratorial stuff they have conveniently waltzed around these past three years… or simply have not had the time to properly research until now.

So, mass boredom seems a better catalyst for the “Great Awakening” than a riddler on a message board ever could be.

The public is suddenly searching for information on PizzaGate, which turned out to be completely real.

And they’re searching for information on adrenochrome — which has been documented as a real thing for at least 50 years in various publications, and which may have been secretly used in some groups for hundreds or even thousands of years.

They’re talking about globalism, and globalists.

They’re talking about cryptocurrency — and how it provides an alternative to central banks.

And who runs the central banks.

The public is awakening in March and April 2020 in a way they never could before, and the catalyst has been all of us staying at home and using the Internet to nearly its breaking point.

Don’t worry, the Internet won’t actually break.

And please keep sharing all the truthful information, including our articles, that you feel compelled to share! You may find — as we have — that social media platforms and search engines are treating these controversial topics quite differently than they were even a few weeks ago.

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