Chelsea Clinton Still Doesn't Know What PizzaGate Is

Chelsea Clinton continues to dunk on those who believe in the “Pizzagate conspiracy theory” — which include a significant percentage of President Trump’s base — yet Hillary Clinton’s adult daughter, and board member of the company that owns The Daily Beast (one of the largest Pizzagate media deniers on the planet), seems to not actually know what PizzaGate is, as a scandal.

Chelsea Clinton knows millions have read the emails; her family is tied to child trafficking by way of John Podesta and Jeffrey Epstein. Fact. She is joking about something that should be investigated and prosecuted, deploying the last available too…

Chelsea Clinton knows millions have read the emails; her family is tied to child trafficking by way of John Podesta and Jeffrey Epstein. Fact. She is joking about something that should be investigated and prosecuted, deploying the last available tool in the Clinton tool chest: open mockery of the truth.

PizzaGate is, again, not at all the claim that Hillary Clinton slaughters children in the basement of DC pizza shops. Swing, and a miss! That was the hasty, weird claim the media itself invented and furthered — including The Daily Beast, The Atlantic, and Buzzfeed — in the days after PizzaGate originally went viral, just days before the 2016 US Presidential election.

Those partisan outlets perpetrated the cardinal sin in journalism: they knowingly covered for a powerful political family, the Clintons, while silencing those who knew the truth.

They refused to investigate the real Hillary Clinton and John Podesta WikiLeaks — not one of which has been debunked or discredited — because those emails contained strong evidence of child trafficking, and sexual crimes against children.

PizzaGate was always about protecting who the Clintons and Podesta were ultimately tied to: Jeffrey Epstein.

And, disgustingly, for some reason Jeffrey Epstein was allowed to continue his operation — it appears — for at least several years into the Trump administration’s first term, until he was finally apprehended in July 2019, only to die the next month in his jail cell from neck injuries which have been described by authorities as a suicide.

Suicide, or yet another Clinton cover-up?

Keep reading: EXPOSED: Direct Link Between James Alefantis, John Podesta, and Jeffrey Epstein's Island

For background information — the viral article the Clintons just can’t scrub from the Internet: PizzaGate Is Real, And John Podesta Needs To Go To Prison For It