Updates 8.25.2020: Donald Trump Jr Thinks His Dad Might Lose, Then They'll All Go To Jail

In some frank words, Donald Trump Jr. reportedly believes it is possible the Trump/Pence ticket will lose in November, surprising conservatives and leading to Biden-loyal prosecutors digging deep into the Trump family’s business affairs over the years — with the intent to “hurt us,” as Don Jr. put it.

Speaking of legal matters, it is well past time for the FULCRUM News media group to sue — in US federal court — Amy Leonardi and her dark money Swamper group Issue One for brand infringement; they are trying to flood search results with their fake FULCRUM, which was launched years after FULCRUM DC, and which we can prove in court has less than 1/100th our pre-existing established brand recognition. I think we can also argue an electronic harassment component here; Amy Leonardi ignored our multiple emails demanding she stop her bizarre, apparently very well-funded campaign to wipe FULCRUM News, and me personally, from Google search results — even going so far as to top bid on terms including “FULCRUM News” to draw readers and viewers away from our truthful journalism.

Donald Trump Jr. has reportedly become pessimistic on the campaign’s odds.

Donald Trump Jr. has reportedly become pessimistic on the campaign’s odds.

Now, why is that?

Pizzagate is real, and John Podesta needs to go to prison for it. Did you know that, Issue One? That should be America’s issue one: accountability for Podesta, and the others implicated in strange emails and private postings. Pizzagate is real, and John D. Podesta needs the investigation he should have gotten 4 years ago. And we deserve whatever we deserve as the journalism outfit who broke and stood by it — rather than being snuffed out unceremoniously by some creepy Swampers, rather than seeing our own outlet’s brand name disappeared intentionally right before our own eyes.

We deserve better than that, as do our many supporters.


Given how correct we have been on these topics, why try to snuff us out now, deliberately and coldly like that, Issue One? Why ignore our emails, yet frantically visit our web site right after we called you out? Time to find out in federal court.

David Seaman was recently a guest on The Melt Podcast with Chris Snipes. Thank you for the interview, Chris!


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ABOUT FULCRUM NEWS w/ DAVID SEAMAN: David Seaman was a regular guest on the Joe Rogan Experience, Duncan Trussell Family Hour, Coast to Coast, HuffPost LIVE, and elsewhere. Now host of the Top Downloaded daily news update from FULCRUM, reaching a smart, politically diverse listenership throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, and everywhere else politics is discussed.

Updates 7.18.2020: Don't Snuff Us Out, Amy Leonardi And Issue One!

Why did Amy Leonardi and “nonpartisan” Issue One in DC deliberately try to snuff us out last Spring, by creating a fake FULCRUM to ride our search traffic — even calling it “The FULCRUM,” basing it literally just up the street from our location at the time in Washington, and buying sponsored listings on Google search for “fulcrum news” and related search terms… just as our claims against the Podesta Family and Podesta’s ties to Jeffrey Epstein were finally going viral.

Why do this, when a simple Google search would have revealed in seconds that a journalism outfit FULCRUM in DC already existed, so no need to confuse readers with an almost identically branded and worded copycat FULCRUM, is there?

Issue One’s sockpuppet journalism outfit “The FULCRUM” went full Talented Mr. Ripley on FULCRUM News last Spring. Weird stuff, folks.

Issue One’s sockpuppet journalism outfit “The FULCRUM” went full Talented Mr. Ripley on FULCRUM News last Spring. Weird stuff, folks.

The reality is that the Overton Window — what is considered mass socially acceptable to discuss — has shifted significantly since COVID19 began around the world, as we discussed here, and so many at home searching for truther topics at once created an unexpected second wave of interest in these real and disturbing subjects.

The recent arrest of Epstein accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell only adds further credibility to the fact that there is something big here, and people are no longer afraid to discuss it.

Broadly speaking, conservatives and liberals alike realize a failing at the federal and international level — how was COVID19 allowed to shut down the world, and cost 40+ million Americans their livelihoods, at least in the short term? How was this allowed?

When the establishment is this dysfunctional, it begs the question: so what else are these losers up to? And those who once respected names in positions of authority, no longer do. The “elite” are no longer on a pedestal, they’re down in the trenches, fighting for their reputations and trying to silence truth tellers like FULCRUM — yet we will never be silenced.

Amy Leonardi made a mistake, and her firm should apologize. Period.

We will never be silenced, and the children deserve better from adults like Leonardi in our nation’s Capitol.

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