For Joe Biden's White House, Crypto Opportunity Looms Large, With Caveats

FULCRUM welcomes a balanced policy approach. In the coming days and months, the Biden administration must be lauded for the progress already made — including the growth of the crypto industry itself, which has made many in America’s inner cities and rural communities whole and included, at a time of broader uncertainty.

By some accounts, as much as 70 percent of the growth in crypto infrastructure (ATMs, point of sale apps and devices, etc.) has occurred under the Biden administration. The price of both Bitcoin and Ether have ballooned during the Biden years, leading some to conclude America is on a track of greater financial inclusivity, including for the young and the coding community, which in the past have felt at times excluded from mainstream finance.

On today’s episode, a brief discussion of how the Biden administration can regulate fairly when it comes to cryptocurrency innovation, while also protecting national security.