Vital Networks Like Ethereum and Bitcoin Are Being Suppressed By Outdated DC Lobbyist Pizzaheads

Today’s episode covers the surprise blowback from DC policymakers in the wake of Ethereum’s upgrade to an environmentally friendly proof of stake algorithm. Can’t win with pizzaheads. You just can’t win. Time to re-litigate all of their weird emails… sharing slices of pizza, $65,000 hotdogs flown in for Obama, all this crap needs to be revisited since they aren’t letting us grow our currency community.

Innovation was always sacred in America, held above partisan rancor, but not anymore.

A handful of inheritors of the old system — credibly accused of heinous crimes against the young — refuse to let the wheels of progress continue rolling. That’s not progressive, nor is it American. — premium newsletter content, David’s real email address, and other perks — Read “Winner Take All” and the other original research books FULCRUM has released over the years! for tips