Fluoride Will Blow Your Mind, It'll Blow Your Mind Apart That Is...


Fluoride, a byproduct of aluminum and other heavy metals, was first welcomed to the United States by the state of Michigan on January 25, 1945. Michigan was the first of many communities to fluoridate their drinking water, and by 1951 fluoridation became an official U.S. policy. This led to 50 million people receiving fluoridated water by 1960. Since the 1940s, we’ve been told that fluoride was the key to prevent tooth decay, but years later we now know better.

In 2014 fluoride was classified as a neurotoxin. Studies have shown its hazardous to child development and can cause health issues over time such as acne and other skin related problems, cardiovascular issues, reproductive issues, thyroid dysfunction, joint/bone issues, and neurological problems including ‘possibly ADHD’. These health issues make a lot of sense when you dig deep on what fluoride is, where it originated and also the other ingredients that you are consuming every time you drink a glass of unfiltered water.

According to Aquasana.com, your everyday water supply can consist of lead, chlorine, chloramines, DBPs (have been shown to cause cancer in laboratory testing), mercury, pesticides, VOCs, pharmaceuticals, herbicides, cysts and MTBE. Standards for judging whether or not a chemical is harmful at certain levels haven’t been updated since 1974!

The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) is OUTDATED legislation, and not a single contaminate has been added to its list of regulated chemicals since the year 2000. Obviously this shows us that our government could care less about the health or lives of the citizens that it governs. The real purpose of water fluoridation, if there is one at all, is not to strengthen your teeth or your children’s. Studies from York University actually found that tooth decay in children in Europe had fallen regardless of fluoride in the water — and regardless there are much easier, cheaper and far more effective ways to protect your teeth from decay such as oil pulling, don’t snack, eating mineral rich foods, removing refined sugar from your diet, remove grains from your diet, and so on.

A man named Charles Perkins spent 20 years of his life researching fluoride and he states, “Any person who drinks artificially fluoridated water for a period of one year or more will NEVER AGAIN be the same person mentally or physically.” Fluoride itself is the primary ingredient of some rat and cockroach poisons and is also a chemical relative of both Prozac and sarin nerve gas.

Fluoride calcifies the pineal gland, which has been known since ancient times as the “third eye” — and as your pineal gland calcifies it throws off your melatonin and serotonin levels drastically causing changes in your sleep patterns and energy levels. 1990s British scientist Jennifer Luke discovered that by old age the pineal gland contains about the same amount of fluoride as one’s teeth, and it is known that calcification of the pineal gland gets worse with age and can occur in children as young as two!

Ancient Civilizations gave us the technology and knowledge, and created the foundation, for nearly everything today from farming to astronomy to weapons and even to social structures. Knowing this, we also know that many ancient civilizations worshipped and believed fully in the powers of the pineal gland and the great things that it can bring into the lives of all of us.

Pineal gland in ancient representations — appearing across many different cultures and eras.

Pineal gland in ancient representations — appearing across many different cultures and eras.

That is when it is strong and working and not calcified. We see the pineal gland represented in Hinduism’s third eye depictions, in ancient Egypt’s eye of Horus / eye of Ra, plus pine cone imagery in many portrayals of the Sumerian gods (pine cones represent the pineal gland), and many more. If you do your research you can see that these ancient civilizations were years and many times centuries apart from each other!

They believed that the pineal gland can give us an awakening, or enlightenment, and the ability to see into higher realms of existence and consciousness. Believe it or not, BUT if that possibility is true, wouldn’t it make sense that our government and others previously would want to find a way to stop that, so that they could gain more control over how we think, feel, and control what we do?

Just something to ask yourself, “If I was someone with a lot of money and power and wanted to control a large population what would I do?” I have an answer: put fluoride in the water supply that the people bathe in, put it in the toothpaste that we’re told to brush twice a day with, quench the thirst of the animals with fluoridated water and then feed the meat of those animals to the people. Then what I’d do is convince everyone of the great things that fluoridation can do for you and everyone else so that nobody blinks an eye — and oh yeah then even put a government stamp on it so people know that our government supports it, so that the people trust it more. Oh wait, that is what they did! MIND BLOWN.

Written by FULCRUM contributor Madison Martin