Updates 9.17.2020: Newt Gingrich Told Live On FOX News He Can't Discuss George Soros

2020 keeps getting weirder: yesterday former Speaker of the House and frequent conservative pundit Newt Gingrich was chastised by the FOX News host, and an on-air guest apparently, and advised that he should avoid mentioning George Soros and that Soros had “no place” in the conversation at hand.

After FOX News’ host refused to allow Newt Gingrich to discuss Soros’ funding role in recent local DA races, Gingrich concluded mentioning Soros must be “verboten” or forbidden on FOX.

After FOX News’ host refused to allow Newt Gingrich to discuss Soros’ funding role in recent local DA races, Gingrich concluded mentioning Soros must be “verboten” or forbidden on FOX.

Similar to how the world tried to discredit and deplatform us, over the claims we made about John Podesta’s WikiLeaks emails. Podesta has been a close Soros point man in Washington for at least the last thirteen years, as per the WikiLeaks, and without Soros’ financial assistance it is certain he and the Clintons would be nowhere today.

Review our claims about Podesta’s bizarre emails:


Don’t ever let the disgusting cover-up press bury this one. Many of them dined privately at Podesta’s house before the election, by the way. Here’s the leaked attendee list:


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