Updates 8.2.2020: Understanding Trump's Sudden TikTok Rage
Sunday updates — why is President Trump suddenly so focused on viral video app TikTok, which The New York Times credited with bringing back Pizzagate theories? (Pizzagate is real.)
FULCRUM News’ podcast is growing worldwide like wild fire! In case the episodes are ever censored, fans can now download/archive original audio files from podbay.fm.
Plus other updates for the FULCRUM fam. They’re trying to snuff us out. With fake FULCRUMs, and expensive search engine manipulation, and radical deplatforming — the sad, cold-eyed pizza men out in otherwise lovely Virginia & D.C. with deep, undying loyalty to deviant James A. and neverending love for Marina Abramovic. They’re trying to do us in. Give us the resources to fight back fully and sufficiently with even greater reach than before, and without pause.
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ABOUT FULCRUM NEWS w/ DAVID SEAMAN: David Seaman was a regular guest on the Joe Rogan Experience, Duncan Trussell Family Hour, Coast to Coast, HuffPost LIVE, and elsewhere. Now host of the Top Downloaded daily news update from FULCRUM, reaching a smart, politically diverse listenership throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, and everywhere else politics is discussed.