We Got 'PizzaGate' Right In 2016 & 2017, It's Sadly All Real
Especially post-Ghislaine Maxwell arrest and post-COVID19 global economic fallout, even the most cloistered and sheltered new entrant into the truth community must concede we kinda, sorta got all of PizzaGate right — and even to this day, Google is specifically penalizing us, both monetarily and in their search results, which is part of why their founders’ relationship with Jeffrey Epstein will be such a focus of our coverage in the days ahead.
DC pizza “maestro” James Alefantis pictured with Tony Podesta. Start with our 5 minute explainer of PizzaGate here.
Today’s podcast episode on Google’s relationship with the Island, already going viral on several podcast platforms, is just the very beginning — not even our opening volley.
You’ve sure earned it, Googlers!
And yes — it’s okay — we got PizzaGate completely right. Instead of 2 years of bizarre, un-American censorship, Google should have recused itself from the topic altogether, given — again — the closeness of their top founding executives with Jeffrey Epstein and his child rape island.