Moves and Countermoves

As summer starts to heat up and draws us closer to Election Day, Twitter began ramping up its censorship. After Twitter fact checked Trump on mail in ballots, Trump made a move to do an executive order on Social media censorship. 


The executive order is aimed at revoking the liability shield from social media companies who engage in republishing articles or political speech. 

After Trump’s executive order is signed, Twitter hits back yet again, over Trump’s newer tweet which featured a campaign video for George Floyd protestors. 


After Twitter pulled the campaign video and Trump called them out on it, Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter hits back. 

It seems that the battle between Twitter and Trump, will be eventful, as Twitter keeps doubling down on censorship. 

While Twitter continues poking the bear, in late May after George Floyd’s death sparked viral outrage and riots, Antifa is caught infiltrating the Black Lives Matter movement. They were setting buildings on fire, damaging federal properties, beating up bystanders, and endangering police officers on the front line who were trying to keep the protests contained. 

As the violent riots continued, Trump announced that Antifa would be declared a terrorist organization. 


But is there a connection between Trump waiting until now to do an executive order on social media censorship and the declaration of Antifa as a terrorist organization? 

Well, it seems like the timing could be interesting. What if, Trump waited until the government had ample evidence of both Antifa accounts operating and communicating on Twitter, and proven documentation of Twitter aiding a now declared terror organization was all wrapped up before he made his move? It seems these moves and countermoves, could checkmate Jack Dorsey in the end. 

Written By @PinkAboutIt

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