"This Is a Rocket Ship," Trump Says Of Rapid Economic Recovery
President Trump earlier today spoke on the faster-than-expected economic recovery in the United States as parts of the country, including Florida, go into “phase 2” of reopening their states — meaning public areas including bars and restaurants will soon be fully open for business.
Huge upswing in May jobs numbers — predicted by almost no one — gave President Trump an opportunity to pivot away from critics and praise the US’ rapid recovery as states reopen for business.
“We’re opening with a bang and we’ve been talking about the V...This is better than a V. This is a rocket ship,” the President remarked.
Las Vegas has also officially reopened for business, with the Bellagio and other casinos on the Strip reopened and booking tourists immediately, albeit with strict initial conditions to prevent the spread of any disease, including a maximum room booking of only 30-35% of casino/hotel capacity, it has been reported.