Updates 6.17.20: The Republic Needs Real News Again
ABOUT FULCRUM NEWS w/ DAVID SEAMAN: David Seaman was a regular guest on the Joe Rogan Experience, Duncan Trussell Family Hour, Coast to Coast, HuffPost LIVE, and elsewhere. Now host of the Top Downloaded daily news update from FULCRUM, reaching a smart, politically diverse listenership throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, and everywhere else politics is discussed.
Protect the Republic — real news can help us heal from 3.5 years of divisive Marxist occult attacks on our way of life, culture, and national unity. The media is their weapon and it must change right now.
The Republic needs real news and fact gathering in order to function efficiently. Self-hating, politicized corporate media where the motivation is to protect the powerful — rather than expose their misdeeds — is why journalists have become so despised over the past several years. We need a total re-visioning of what the journalism industry is capable of, and we think FULCRUM News and our new sister site, The Illuminist, are just that. Follow & bookmark our cutting edge news blogs for real analysis & info every weekday on fulcrumnews.com and theilluminist.net. Help us make Internet Media great again!
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