It Was Always Real
I’ll tell you what. I still think we got every word of this right — I think it’s the biggest journalistic coup of all time. And we’ve been saying it for now nearly 4 years straight.
Kids’ lives matter.
We haven’t forgotten how hard they tried to discredit this one. Neither should you.
Protection of the innocent and the young goes far beyond race, or party politics, or even nationality. It’s a part of what makes us human, rather than animal, insect, or mineral.
I still think we got every word of that mind-blowing scandal back in late 2016 completely right, and I think Susan Wojcicki’s targeted destruction of my video journalism career on YouTube and deletion of FULCRUM’s corporate channel slowed public awareness of these alleged crimes against children. I think others in Big Tech have acted nearly as egregiously in their intentional censoring of these allegations.
And I think it’s long past time for federal law enforcement to look into not those peacefully accusing the Clintons and their backers of real crimes — but, instead, to look into the Clintons and those around them credibly accused of child trafficking and other heinous crimes, which from living in DC for the last two years I know first hand occurs with such surprising regularity that there are people in law enforcement who specialize in investigating only these specific kinds of crimes.
If this is a new dawn for justice and all that, it’s long past time for the Podesta Family to be looked into by every federal law enforcement agency in operation.
And while we’re at it, those who covered for them tirelessly in the media attended a secret media dinner at the home of a key Clinton strategist, organized by Podesta himself. Conspiracy fact! Every attendee should be investigated, and discouraged from practicing journalism — as they have wildly failed the public, and betrayed the public’s trust in them. Journalists are supposed to reveal corruption, not keep it shielded from exposure.
America deserved so much better than John Podesta and those who fund him. And it still does today.