As COVID-19 Fears Keep Planet At Home, #PizzaGate Goes Viral All Over Again

Pizzagate — the claim that Hillary Clinton’s Satanic pedophile 2016 campaign chairman was using a code language known to be used by… well, Satanic pedophiles… the claim that he referred to children as “pizza” throughout his leaked emails published on WikiLeaks, and in those emails referred to adrenochrome as “walnut sauce” and was hit by other adrenochrome addicts demanding “walnut sauce recipes” (code for, can you get me some “sauce”)… all that stuff is completely real, and it always was.

Seemingly out of nowhere, #pizzagate began trending in the US, then worldwide, on Twitter two days ago.

Seemingly out of nowhere, #pizzagate began trending in the US, then worldwide, on Twitter two days ago.

As is the email exchange where a 6 year old and other children, biologically unconnected to Podesta, are delivered to his farm in the woods of Virginia… also completely real. Delivered to his farm, in the woods, to be dunked in a pool. A 6 year old totally unrelated to him, and Podesta (as far as we know) does not run an unlicensed day care facility in the woods of Virginia.

It was all… always real.

After this real nightmare went viral just days before the 2016 Presidential Election, a massive coverup operation was initiated — truthers were ruined, intimidated, harassed, and deplatformed.

But it doesn’t change the fact that John Podesta appears to be a Satanic pedophile based on his weird emails, and it doesn’t change the fact that he needs to be investigated, prosecuted, and sent to prison if guilty of these suspected heartless crimes.

It doesn’t change the fact that George Soros has been the supporter and benefactor of John Podesta since at least 2007 onward, as the leaked WikiLeaks emails show — all of which are real, and not in dispute by anybody. George Soros was the financial provider for Podesta’s warped vision of what America should be turned into. Fact.

So, when people ask me why did George Soros “buy up” so many Virginia prosecutors in the last election cycle, and will those prosecutors be used to go after the remaining people talking about the absolutely massive child trafficking all connected to John Podesta and the Clintons… I think we all know the answer!

George Soros has perverted our legal system, by essentially buying prosecutors, in the jurisdictions in which a lot of the Podesta / Luzzatto / Clinton alleged child trafficking could be investigated, and prosecuted. What kind of world is this? What kind of banana republic have we become, when a liberal globalist donor of the Podestas and Clintons can BUY prosecutors?

This is all old news — Pizzagate, I thought, had been successfully covered up by these sick folks and dismissed by most of the public.

How wrong I was! The memento mori, or reminder of eventual death, that COVID-19 disease has delivered to the global public consciousness — coupled with so many sitting at home, on the Internet all day — has given the public a “WHY THE FUCK HASN’T THIS OBVIOUS CHILD MOLESTER PODESTA BEEN PROSECUTED YET? WE COULD ALL BE DEAD ONE DAY SOON, SO WHY ISN’T RULE OF LAW RESTORED ALREADY?”

Two days ago, seemingly out of nowhere, #pizzagate began to trend in the US, and then worldwide briefly, on Twitter.

And I have to agree, I agree with what the public is feeling and saying three years after that bizarre scandal broke — why WEREN’T things ever made right? Why weren’t Tony and John Podesta ever prosecuted? Why hasn’t creepy, overreaching activist George Soros’ money been frozen by authorities? Why is this suspected criminal allowed to buy up prosecutors in the jurisdictions where he may have committed crimes?

Virginia is one of the most corrupt places on the planet at the moment, even giving the District a run for its money! The lawyer who slowed me down for a year — and never disclosed he used to assist Bill Clinton with legal filing work — is only allowed to practice law in the state of Virginia, and despite a list of complaints and concerns against him a mile long, he is still allowed to practice there. Something is rotten in Virginia. I’m glad I am not a resident of Virginia, because if I were, I would be outraged that their legal system has been taken over by George Soros and those trying to slow what millions online already know is real: Pizzagate.

Keep reading: PizzaGate Is Real, And John Podesta Needs To Go To Prison For It!