Growing The Real News In 2021 With FULCRUM News

A simple vision for the year ahead: growing our audience, reinvesting in what we know and love — Internet content creation. Aside from our original reporting in the areas of politics and National news, we want to do more of the wellness & yoga content we began publishing back in October and November — the world needs to heal from the pandemic, and greater presence of mind is a good trait to develop regardless of if there is anything to heal from.

So, expect more wellness content in the months ahead!

And expect the podcast to continue to find a home around the world, available on a growing number of major platforms and apps:

We also welcome personalities and publishers of all sizes to join our Partner program, where you can earn a recurring 30% commission on new readers you send our way:

In 2021, the FULCRUM News re-write of the media industry continues without pause. Real news from America’s capitol, with vision and independence, delivered via the formats you prefer, when and where you want.

Some businesses have grown too complex and far-reaching to survive in today’s challenging climate. Yet FULCRUM’s business is a simple one: the news. And we’ll never grow too complex or big to understand that delivering news is our mandate, and a growing audience is the economic engine which allows that mandate to continue. Thank you all and here’s to a new year soon for us all!