BOMBSHELL: "Epstein was strangled to death with a wire"

Well, well, well. Attorney General Barr has some answering to do—as does the Metropolitan Corrections Center, which allowed one of the most prized suspects of all time in US law enforcement history to die in their custody. The ‘elites’ that Epstein could have blown the whistle on, potentially… now we will never know.

The social media companies have asked us to put the images of Epstein’s neck behind a warning wall—so we are gladly complying.

Discretion advised—this news content is disturbing.

Discretion advised—this news content is disturbing.

Click here to view the images and our analysis. Please be aware, these are disturbing images, so reader/viewer discretion is strongly advised.

Or read our earlier analysis of the Epstein super-scandal right here.

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