GOOGLE WHISTLEBLOWER Pleads With Google And Hillary Not To Kill Him After His Wife Found Dead In Car Crash

What have we become?

Dr. Robert Epstein, whistleblower on the algorithmic political censorship of Google and how the search giant is biased toward Hillary Clinton and other establishment Democrats, has shared what he knows on FOX News and on many other national media outlets recently.

Dr. Epstein just received terrible news that his wife, Misti, was killed in a freak car accident. He has taken to Twitter, reminding the public that he is not suicidal. These reminders are now an occupational requirement, just about, for researchers who discuss Google bias and Clinton corruption.

Dr. Robert Epstein tweets after his wife’s tragic death.

Dr. Robert Epstein tweets after his wife’s tragic death.

He called out Google and Hillary Clinton specifically in his tweet, which reads: “BTW, although losing Misti is devastating for me - there will never be another Misti in my life, after all - I AM STILL NOT SUICIDAL. Hear that, #Google? Hear that, #Hillary?”

Two years ago, YouTube (owned by Google), banned my personal channel which had been viewed many millions of times, then they banned our FULCRUM News company channel as well.

It has recently come out that Google’s co-founder Sergey Brin visited Jeffrey Epstein — no relation to Dr. Epstein — and he visited him AFTER his first conviction. Google’s co-founder knowingly spent time privately with a convicted child predator, as did other Google executives at the time.

Google and YouTube, which again it owns, have been more zealous about censoring “Pedogate” than seemingly any other tech company on the planet. A number of larger channels and personalities have been scrubbed, just for reporting on this scandal.

What is happening at Google, and where is the DOJ on any of this?

The American people won’t tolerate this forever. Google has become an outright predator operating on domestic soil, and at a certain point, its employees are entirely responsible for the behavior they engage in — especially when that behavior is criminal, deviant, and against the welfare of the American people.

Keep reading: Google Co-Founder Sergey Brin Visited Epstein AFTER First Conviction; Is This Why YouTube Censors #Pedogate?