Trump Signs 'Phase One' of US-China Trade Deal, Upstaging Speaker Pelosi's Impeachment Ramble

Actions in the House of Representatives today were swiftly upstaged by President Trump, along with the vice premier of China, signing “phase one” of the massive trade deal that has been a core focus of Trump’s economic agenda since he took office.

Phase one of the trade deal is a major victory for Pres. Trump and supporters of his populist economic agenda.

Phase one of the trade deal is a major victory for Pres. Trump and supporters of his populist economic agenda.

The trade deal includes an agreement from China to purchase $200 billion in US-made or US-grown goods over the next two years.

US markets warmly greeted the deal’s signing, with the Dow up a little more than a half-percent shortly after the signing.

In other economic news, cryptocurrency has seen a resurgence, with Bitcoin and #2 crypto network Ethereum seeing a swell in value over the last several days — perhaps even in anticipation of the trade deal, in part. Bitcoin now stands at US $8,763 per coin, while an Ether fetches about US $164 at time of publication.