REPORTS: FBI Interviewed New Clinton Victim; Claims of Satanic Rituals Witnessed on a Yacht

In a bizarre twist, over the last 24 hours as the impeachment hearings have heated up here in Washington, so have claims from a variety of pro-MAGA media outlets that the FBI has interviewed a new Clinton victim.

The new claims took off quickly on right-leaning social network Gab, as well as on Twitter.

The new claims took off quickly on right-leaning social network Gab, as well as on Twitter.

The Twitter account @Education4Libs, for example, is followed by nearly half a million people. Yesterday, the account unexpectedly tweeted, “Breaking news. The FBI has interviewed an alleged victim who says he was raped by Bill Clinton when he was 8 years old. He also gave details of Satanic rituals describing the exploitation & sexual assaults of children. May God keep this brave soul protected.”

The online media outlet True Pundit, believed to be run by former law enforcement officials, has reported nearly identical claims of fresh FBI interest over the last 24 hours.

The FBI typically does not confirm or deny if a subject is under investigation, pursuant to longstanding agency policy.

In other news, the FULCRUM News podcast hosted by yours truly continues to ravage the iTunes charts in the US, Canada, and even now in Japan! The public is evidently hungry for real news — and over the last month and a half, and 32 episodes, of that podcast we walked a curious public through all the pertinent details of Epstein Island, the claims surrounding the Podesta family, and much more.

If you haven’t yet, be sure to subscribe to our podcast and catch up on those episodes. Just search for FULCRUM News in iTunes, the iPhone Podcasts App, on Pandora Radio, and now in the Google Play Store & Google Podcasts App as well. —DS