The Shocking REAL Reason The Feds "Had To" Imprison Roger Stone Fast
As we reported back in August, they have had it in for Roger Stone for a long time, because he said things that are “not to be said” in the political establishment, yet they must be said, these people must be outed and Stone—a flawed man, in other ways—was extraordinarily brave:
Roger Stone, found guilty on all 7 counts by the liberal D.C. jury, could spend the rest of his life behind bars without a Presidential pardon or successful appeal.
Roger Stone, longtime friend to President Donald J. Trump before he became President, was banned from Twitter shortly after a tweet calling John Podesta—by name—a “Pedophile.”
Stone has been in and around conservative politics for more than four decades, and has claimed Richard Nixon as one of his key mentors. Whatever you think of Stone, he knows the political scene, and probably knows the dirt on many people in that scene.
Not only was Stone banned from Twitter, an Obama-appointed federal judge has issued a gag order against Stone, forbidding him from any other social media activity and from giving media interviews of any kind. Incredible how hard they are trying to silence us all.
My YouTube account was banned and deleted by Google nearly two years ago—a tough career blow as an investigative video journalist, for sure. From 170,000 subscribers and 17 million views on YouTube to… whoever happens to be skimming this article, I guess! Hi there!
Now, when you search for me on YouTube, you find only a video by a critic describing me as a “child abuse hoax promoter” in the title, that’s how I’m repaid for my investigative journalism on the Podestas.
Surprised about today’s devastating court outcome for Roger Stone? Sadly, we aren’t at all—this has become par for the course in America since Trump’s election.
Holdover deepstate hacks, more loyal to the prior Obama and Clinton administrations, and resentful of the populace for going in a different direction, have become dangerously powerful—and now are attempting to eject the President through a semi-secret Impeachment inquiry, at startling speed.
Continue reading: Andrew Breitbart, Roger Stone, General Flynn, Alex Jones And I Were All Targeted For Talking About The Same Man!