ELON MUSK: No Aliens, Only Grifters—Plus Assange Makes Public Appearance!
“This is the fundamental thing,” Elon Musk recently said of his ambition to create a human city on Mars.
“As far as we know, we are the only consciousness, or the only life that’s out there, there might be other life but we’ve seen no signs of it,” Musk revealed last month in an intriguing video presentation of Starship’s planned capabilities, which could take human visitors back to the Moon, as well as to Mars, Saturn, and beyond.
“Starship,” SpaceX's in development interplanetary long range vehicle.
“I’m pretty sure I’d know if there are aliens, I think I’d know,” Musk continued.
Is the military hiding aliens, he mused.
“The fastest way to increase defense funding would be to like, hey, we found an alien! More money for Defense… that would be on display in two seconds. The reality is, as far as we know, this is the only place at least in this part of the galaxy or the Milky Way where there is consciousness—and it’s taken us a long time to get to this point.”
Musk explains that although our Sun has another several hundred million years of expected life before it overheats and destroys multi-cellular life on Earth, this is only a blink of an eye in astronomical or geological terms — and had consciousness evolved much later, it would have been snuffed out by the Sun’s upcoming failure.
Instead, we are conscious, smart and capable — a species able to build the vehicles that will enable us to found and sustain cities on other planets, Musk explained.
Musk’s company SpaceX has big plans for Starship, an interplanetary vehicle designed for human travel.
If anything, going multi-planetary would increase the survival odds of the Earth, Musk mused; if there were ever a problem on Earth one day, our counterparts on Mars or another inhabited world may be able to help us out from a safe distance.
The near future, if Elon Musk has his way!
We’ve noticed the alien narrative — the recent silliness out of Area 51 included — is pushed by the corporate media, and political elites like John Podesta, whenever a distraction is needed.
Some alien believers point to World War II — when UFO sightings proliferated — as proof that another spacefaring species took an interest in us due to all our violent activity on the planet… but there’s a much simpler explanation.
The military and Western governments at the height of World War II would have wanted their populations obedient and docile; UFO sightings can be used to intrigue, distract, discredit and ultimately to silence the populace.
It seems the real problem is Fake News, Fake Wars, and central bank capture by elite political families in a Cabal or Cult, as well as Satanic spiritcooking & child trafficking by the “elite.”
The alien narrative is used to distract when the public gets too close to the real culprits, in our view: the central banks, and the politicians they always seem to blackmail sooner or later. The central bank families have been doing this for centuries. You’d expect them to have a few decoys at the ready to throw off the angry public’s scent, and the alien narrative is largely used as one of those decoys — as well as a moneymaker for firms like Gaia TV, which peddle this perception.
And speaking of Satanic spiritcooking, that’s what those Podesta WikiLeaks in late 2016 revealed — and it’s why they have kept Julian Assange, WikiLeaks’ founder, in solitary confinement for so long.
He emerged today for his first hearing, and it wasn’t pretty:
Guess Assange didn’t get the help QANON believers were hoping he would. In fact, who has QANON helped in its 2 years of dominating the truther community and attacking all critics?