Understanding Elon Musk's Recent DC Man Date With John Podesta - and the State of Pizzagate In 2023

Whoa: Elon Musk spent time meeting with John Podesta, at Podesta’s progressive think tank / creep villain lair — the Center for American Progress offices in D.C. Here’s what we know so far. New to Pizzagate and John Podesta?

Start here: Understanding the Podestas, and Pizzagate—



You’ve gotta be good, and you’ve gotta do your best in this life. Of the things I have doubts about, my views on Pizzagate and our years’ old journalism on the topic are simply not among them.

Source of the emails:


https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54545 (there’s a good one — dang!)