Breaking: Nancy Pelosi Lands in Taiwan, Angering Chinese Officials Immediately
US House Speaker, alleged insider trader extraordinaire, and Democrat warbird, Nancy Pelosi has touched down in troubled Taiwan — angering top Chinese officials, who are trying to subsume Taiwan into mainland Chinese culture and governance.
US and UK news outlets in a chatter over breaking news that Nancy Pelosi has defied China, landing in Taiwan for a political or policy visit of some kind.
Pelosi’s provocative touchdown in Taiwan minutes is yet another weight placed on the already unstable political world order. Interesting times, to be sure!
The US has reportedly angered Russia in recent months by way of providing high-tech airspace denial munitions systems (namely, the HIMARS system) to Ukraine’s armed forces… and now it risks alienating and seriously angering the other superpower, China — Taiwan is ultimately China’s backyard, not ours. Our forces nearby are in foreign territorial waters, dictating geo-political policy thousands of miles from the American capitol. If China pushes, will the US push back?
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