Donald Trump Is The "Deepstate's" Best Asset
Donald Trump, fiat legacy establishment asset.
Trump’s FBI may have targeted citizen researchers looking into Pizzagate in 2017: (Not my post, but interesting nonetheless.)
A close friend of the Kennedy family, Luzzatto, was always from day one at the epicenter of the strange emails; not any pizza shop or pizza shop owner. She also happens to be one of the world’s most influential in the nonprofit foundation world. But the media never talked about her — only the pizza shop, and the crazed shooter who harmed no one, who had an IMDB page since he’s a former professional actor. But nothing to see here! See for more on Luzzatto and the emails.
Ah yes, Trump’s 25 year running “sting operation” against the late Jeffrey Epstein, as Trump cultists would have you believe… or, more likely, these two people were just good friends. He reportedly rode on Epstein’s planes a total of at least 7 times, not the previously believed single flight. — best way to “support” me is to read the research & books we put out while we were actively researching in DC! for show tips listener community