'Quantum Immortality' Concept Gains Popularity In World Ravaged By Pandemic and War
Our podcast episode on quantum immortality charted in several countries this past week! Thank you all for the word of mouth and continued support! If you enjoyed that quantum immortality discussion, listen to the recent interview I did on Keila Dolle’s popular podcast here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-immortality-with-david-seaman/id1517523921?i=1000553635015
Do we actually live forever in a quantum multiverse without end? Guess we may find out soon enough, at the rate world affairs are going lately.
My book that came out last year: https://www.amazon.com/Winner-Take-All-Bitcoin-Ether/dp/B08Z4CNTVN/
Previous books and Kindle downloads: https://www.fulcrumnews.com/store-1