Breaking News: J6 Committee In Congress Recommends Criminal Prosecution of Trump, Issues Criminal Referral

Wow, these pizzaheads in Congress sure want the rest of us angry. The same day they threatened to outlaw Bitcoin — which is already causing pain for the millions in Silicon Valley and elsewhere around the country who have crypto investments — the J6 Select Committee has issued a CRIMINAL REFERRAL for Donald Trump… not his company the Trump Organization, but him personally, for incitement of an insurrection and “conspiracy to defraud the United States.”

Rather than letting former President Donald Trump ride off into the sunset with his pathetic NFT trading cards and Truth Social (a Twitter clone for Trump sycophants where Trump posts frequently), they want to outrage his base — many of whom haven’t done well during the Biden years, between all the side effects from the vaccine, the economic decline, the inflation, and now the attempt to decimate what little some of these people are holding in Bitcoin and other crypto assets.


As the world turns! FULCRUM will be here for it, regardless of what happens. Bookmark us and return later in the week for more coverage from right near the nation’s capitol.

FULCRUM Research

UPDATE 3:37pm — Watch the Committee hand down their decision to refer Trump to the DOJ here: