Shining Bright, When Others Are Old Paradigm Riding Dullards

The vaccines are a failure — fact. Pfizer and Moderna’s Frankenjabs haven’t returned us to “normalcy by July,” it’s now days from October and life seems like it’s about to be a less charitable version of last year’s fall and winter, which were not a pleasant time for the country.

There’s now talk of a 4th shot or booster being needed, and from liberal sites like Reddit, there is zero dissent allowed — you’re supposed to take this with a smile, as the national fissure from these failed vaccines and the vaccine mandates continues to widen.

At what point will the dumb stop fucking the rest of us?

In Norway, they gave up on all this dystopian stuff, and just returned to normal. Some brawls broke out, as citizens couldn’t believe shops were just going back to allowing people to shop, and bars were going back to allowing people to eat, and hiking trails were allowing people to hike without being fully garbed up like a surgeon readying for a day in the operating room.

Ultimately, though, allowing people back to their lives after two years of this is the only sane answer.

The old widely accepted journalistic, TV cable news, and online discussion forum practice of Pro vs. Con, or For vs. Against, has been abandoned for this weird 24/7 slavish simping to Pfizer — a corporation that has moved the goalposts numerous times already, and a pharmaceutical company that has failed to deliver a normalcy-returning one and done vaccine.

Pfizer is reported to be in the top 5 stock holdings of the current members of Congress, perhaps explaining why the United States government has taken a weirdly inflexible view toward any cheap over-the-counter or otherwise alternative treatments showing promise in other countries, opting instead for a Death Star-like shock and awe distribution of the allegedly faulty or “leaky” mRNA triple vaxx.

Society will live with the ramifications of long-term mRNA therapy side effects for years and decades to come. They can’t cover up all these tragedies forever, these are real people and in the years ahead their health problems will weigh on our national healthcare systems, and on our national prosperity.

A wholesale intellectual cull has occurred online and in the cable media class since around 2018, if I had to put my finger on it — this descent from respect for the multiverse of opinions, to lockstep compliance with whatever Pfizer and the sacred, holy C.D.C. hand down to us mere mugs, us groundlings grateful for any scraps… this change in discourse all started back then.

You were either for Trump or against Trump, no Noam Chomsky like dissent outside of those boxes was allowed — to have a third rail opinion, an opinion that wasn’t strictly PRO ORANGE MAN or ANTI ORANGE MAN, was to show yourself out of the room, to invite marginalization and de-platforming.

The TV networks veered further in polar opposite directions: OANN and Fox no longer often booking anti-Trumpers, as it was bad for ratings and enflamed the base needlessly, and MSNBC / NBC / CNN on “the left” doing the same thing, for much the same reasons: DNC dissenters and moderates like Tulsi Gabbard just, en masse, removed from the national conversation and marginalized.

And now we see that removing the traditional role of “annoying” dissenting guest or contradictory expert opinion had the effect of enabling a national culture that simps for soulless Big Pharma concerns like Pfizer, and that is cheerfully at peace with a C.D.C. that put millions of Americans out of work, with many more thrown into inconvenience or anxiety by way of contradictory messaging and a one-size-fits-all vaccine rollout that, in retrospect, was an unmitigated failure.

Guiding the nation through a pandemic is one of the core functions of the C.D.C. and it has waffled and disgraced itself at every step of the way.

Yet despite this national failure, new voices will and already are emerging.

Those challenging the decrepit, outdated, obviously corrupted C.D.C. bureaucratic elite, and the weird tech billionaires like Bill Gates who cheered them on at every step of the way, will be our new superstars.

This is already starting to be reflected in the nightly TV ratings, and in the online traffic numbers.

The public is fed up with one-size-fits-all devotion to the C.D.C. and Pfizer’s talking points. We aren’t a one-size-fits-all nation, that’s not our system. Ours is a system of hard-won compromises, and regional differences, by design.

These are people, not gods, nor lords of the manor. Just people, in bureaucracies and positions of expertise. They’ve had two years to do their thing, and for better or worse, it’s time to let people return to living as Norway has done.

The ideological opposite of Norway is Australia’s lockdown technocracy, and we can’t have that.

—FULCRUM Research