Warnings of Global Internet Outage Due To "Solar Flare Activity"
The mainstream media, in lockstep, over the last week or so has normalized the apocalyptic fringe scenario that an unforeseen massive solar flare could conveniently knock out Internet communications worldwide — for a prolonged period of time, perhaps even months.
Online news outlets seem enamored with the idea of a global Internet outage, due any day now.
And this buzzkill comes just as the Internet world is waking up to theoretical problems with mRNA vaccines, and vast numbers of negative side effects from those who took the jab early on. Despite broad Internet censorship, the truth is leaking out (https://www.facebook.com/FulcrumNews/posts/2963369537246511) and soon it will be impossible to cover up — as so many people now know someone personally injured or killed by the jabs.
Although FULCRUM had previously warned that Solar Cycle 25 could be one of the strongest on record according to experts at NCAR, and we had also reported on the unusual number of strong sunspots already appearing, a Solar Cycle lasts for 9 to 14 years typically — so there is little reason to suspect an IMMINENT solar flare will knock off Internet communications, and satellite tech.
So why the concerns from the media, all of a sudden? Is the public being primed to accept the “inevitability” of our Internet freedoms going away, without a moment’s notice?
—FULCRUM Research