Project Veritas Federal Vaccine Whistleblower - Mass Murder by Jab?

“The vaccines are full of sh**,” a federal whistleblower states to Project Veritas in a video which has already scored millions of views on YouTube, and has been banned from Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

In the fictional movie “The Purge,” the federal government abdicates all law enforcement and supervisory responsibility of the country for one day — a means of allowing the populace to blow off steam, and to “purge” or depopulate the week. Did the feds, in real life, perhaps do something similar by fast-tracking approval of experimental jabs that under normal circumstances would have never met basic safety thresholds? A real life mass purge of the uninformed, elderly, and immunocompromised?

In the fictional movie “The Purge,” the federal government abdicates all law enforcement and supervisory responsibility of the country for one day — a means of allowing the populace to blow off steam, and to “purge” or depopulate the week. Did the feds, in real life, perhaps do something similar by fast-tracking approval of experimental jabs that under normal circumstances would have never met basic safety thresholds? A real life mass purge of the uninformed, elderly, and immunocompromised? (small tips allow us to keep reporting!) - for our BTC and other crypto tipping addresses! - listen to all recent prior research episodes of the podcast free without logging in, and share widely if you’d like! Thank you!