US Senators Demand Amazon Stop Selling Any Book That Discusses Vaccine Side Effects or Injuries

This is absolute trash — America has fallen. The Senate and House seem to have forgotten that the role of government is not to poison, then silence, your own citizenry en masse.

Our soon to be banned contribution to Amazon Kindle’s library linked above. Freedom of speech is gone. This country’s Constitution is dead, it seems, when Senators suggest things like that with a straight face. Who knows what’s ahead at this point. These psychos want to poison us all by withholding mass reports of vaccine injury, it would seem, then gaslight us away from the now MILLIONS of adverse reaction reports posted by real people to places like Facebook, TikTok, and Reddit — Senators treating this garbage emergency use mRNA therapy as the holy grail, ignoring the young people maimed by it, and massaging the data so that it puts the burden on the “unvaccinated” when they are, demonstrably, the healthiest and least crazy among us all.

Plus, 40 million or so Americans recovered from COVID-19 and therefore have robust natural immunity, but the creeps in D.C. won’t acknowledge that at all.

Can’t poison us all, and one day soon, we all wake up.