International Space Station 'Error' Was Worse Than Originally Believed, Wuhan To Test All Residents For Delta Variant - News 8.4.2021

More information is emerging about the recent mishap aboard the International Space Station, in which a docked Russian module inadvertently fired its thrusters, causing the entire space station structure to rotate 540 degrees in a matter of minutes.

Once ground control realized the issue, thrusters on the other side of the Space Station were fired, bringing it back into an acceptable position. Still, things could have gone badly, and engineers now believe the brief tug of war between thrusters could have caused structural damage, although none has been found so far.

As NASA plans to keep flying the Space Station until at least the end of this decade, keeping it in working order is essential.

In other news, the city of Wuhan — where the pandemic first began — is swiftly testing all 11 million of their residents, to weed out any new infections after a handful of delta variant positives were discovered by authorities.