Don't Call It a Conspiracy Theory Any Longer

Wow - homepage of NYC mainstream media dreadnaught Bloomberg’s web site on Sunday afternoon.

Headline of note: The Vaccinated Are Worried and Scientists Don’t Have Answers


I thought this was all safe and effective, effective and safe, proven settled science?

Screenshot retrieved Aug. 22, 2021 early afternoon.

Screenshot retrieved Aug. 22, 2021 early afternoon.

I thought anyone who questioned this radical departure from 70+ years of vaccine development science was a conspiracy theorist?

I thought young people randomly getting heart inflammation, and old geezers dropping dead, within hours of the jab MEANS IT’S WORKING!!!!

Now, do you mean to tell us the whole theatre of the last 2 years has reached a kind of end, the end of the cul de sac as it were?

What now? If the vaccines don’t protect as previously believed, or may even lower one’s native immunity, then indeed: what now?

—FULCRUM Research