BREAKING: NASA Says "Significant" Solar Flare Has Erupted From The Sun - Details & News 7.5.2021
From NASA: “The Sun emitted a significant solar flare peaking at 10:29 a.m. EDT on July 3, 2021. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, which watches the Sun constantly, captured an image of the event.”
The flare was reportedly an X-class or X-type solar flare, the largest and strongest type of solar emission.
Such X-class flares can hit Earth with powerful ionizing radiation, causing injury to astronauts outside of the Earth’s protective atmosphere, knocking global communications systems offline, and gifting temporary radiation sickness symptoms to airline travelers, as the atmosphere is much thinner at 4 or 5 miles up.
NASA has classified July 3’s solar flare as an X1.5 class flare, or one of the strongest ever recorded.
Some say we are overdue for another Carrington Event. The “Carrington Event” occurred in 1859; it was a globally experienced powerful solar storm which affected Earth’s communications systems — setting telegraph outposts on fire, etc — and auroras were seen in the sky as far south as the Bahamas.
A NOAA/intra-government bulletin on the July 3rd solar flare
As you can see in the chart below, provided by NOAA, radiation levels spiked noticeably on July 3, coinciding with the flare.
Stay safe out there, Earth. And be sure to get FULCRUM’s newsletter so you don’t miss anything ahead. Weird 2021 is kind of our bread and butter so far, truth be told.