COVID19 Vaccine Spike Protein Shedding 'Prion Factories,' Plus Aliens MAYBE Working With The Pentagon
“In a study not yet peer reviewed but circulating amongst doctors and hospital workers etc online, macaque monkeys who were infected with COVID19 had their brains cut open afterward - and every single one of the monkey brains - every single one of them - had Lewy bodies present, an indication of prion degenerative disease.
We are truly out of time.
Back in the mid-1990s, corporate broadcast media emphasized the global chaos that would unfold if a novel spongiform disease like ‘madcow disease’ were to spread rapidly human-to-human. Above, a screenshot from then Microsoft-part owned MSNBC.
Stage 2, "brain fog" as many experience - is the neurodegenerative problem. Once those proteins start misfolding, the f**kers don't stop until you're shaking all day and drooling, then death as your brain loses too much function to sustain autonomic processes like breath and heartbeat.
Bad way to go.
90% of the planet's final words are going to be "Moooooooooooooo...."
Unless we get this handled. It was evidently a prionogenic doomsday bug that was released either by accident, or in an occult act of great hatred by the few toward the rest of us. Either way, human f**k-up of the greatest scale imaginable. Should not have happened. Yet it did, and here we are.
And if it’s true the vaxxed can spread the potentially weaponized spike protein/prion initiation catalyst to others, then we are in for some big social disruptions ahead possibly — vaxxed and unvaxxed will dislike each other even more than before. Tensions could boil over.
Is this the real reason why Mark Zuckerberg is reportedly going into retreat for AT LEAST the next 6 months? Does he know about the prion nightmare that’s about to unfold in America?