'Devastating' UFO Documents And Information Due In June From Pentagon, DoD - News 5.27.2021
If the June disclosure deadline is honored, Pentagon / DoD top brass are expected to release what they have to the public on the issue of UFOs — officially termed, “unidentified aerial phenomena,” within a matter of days.
Damn it, folks. I for one am not too thrilled.
As if we’ve not had enough social unrest, and nonsense like “Q.”
The Pentagon is busting out the strong stuff next month, many believe. From a US Navy video clip of a UFO before it dove into the water.
Now everyone is gonna be in a space cult.
It’s going to be so weird soon, isn’t it?
We all know it: it’s going to be weird.
Ah yes, just as the public is finally getting back to semi-normal with restaurants and bars peacefully open and filled with happy patrons… after a more than year-long pandemic… the Pentagon drops the big one on all us, perhaps in days: that we’re not alone, that visitation of the oceans and random parts of the planet like Alaska are surprisingly routine. Little green men, or super-intelligent cephalopods, or maybe even weirder — guess we’ll find out!
On today’s show hosted by Azure: Apparently, the US Navy has used sonar to secretly track objects — unidentified submerged objects — moving at hundreds of miles per hour far beneath the ocean’s surface.
And since at least 2004, Navy officials have been aware of craft capable of feats no human-made aircraft or ship has yet achieved.
In one incident, a group or “fleet” of these unidentified craft dropped in altitude by 80,000 feet within one second.
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