Dr. Anthony Fauci Now Thinks The Wuhan Lab Leak Theory Needs To Be Investigated - News 5.26.2021
In a break from nearly all his prior public statements, Dr. Anthony Fauci is now considering the Wuhan lab leak theory as a credible possible origin story for how COVID19 started in Asia, before spreading like wildfire throughout the rest of the world and killing millions.
Unlikely latest advocate of the truth community? Dr. Anthony Fauci is the latest to suggest a look into the “Wuhan lab leak theory” may be warranted, after all, alongside all the other credible possibilities.
Wuhan, China — the city where COVID19 was first reported — was home to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which was allegedly studying a number of bat coronaviruses in its lab.
A recent US intelligence report has suggested several lab workers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology sought treatment for symptoms of COVID19, more than a month before the Chinese government recorded its first official case of COVID19 in their country.
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