Joe Rogan & Elon Musk

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Discern Elon Musk’s possible motivations in supporting cryptocurrency, at a time when interplanetary money is going to become a necessity within a matter of years.

To the great mystery schools, men are divided into two races. Not actual races, but a metaphor: those who are the sons of Water, and those who are the sons of Fire. Followers, who give way, and do-ers, who blaze the path.

Joe Rogan and Elon Musk, two very different men, are both mentioned in the book - and ironically Rogan deleting all his prior interviews with FULCRUM's founder is part of why this book is coming out now, at a time the world needs to read its contents.

Elon Musk is leading the world forward, blazing a trail none ever have before, while personalities in the media like Rogan (and nearly all his peers) maintain a rapidly failing status quo. A shattering Overton Window as the populace awakes to a fresh political and economic paradigm.

A new world is taking form. Just not the new world some had envisioned for us!