The True Nature of Power Is Unveiled By Bitcoin's Rise - News 1.28.2021
China doesn't understand basic game theory. And Silicon Valley doesn’t understand why locating yourself so close to a major fault line is never a good idea, long term, mathematically speaking. Fault lines can become so delicate.
Also, as a reminder FULCRUM News will be closing permanently February 20th. All tips received here between now and then will go to Missy and the contributors (Azure, etc.)
If you've enjoyed FULCRUM's research and reporting over the years, please strongly consider giving them an exit tip as they've been a large part of this team, and I wish I could have compensated them better.
But I'm the unpersoned man, and that's okay. I've accepted it. Our frail cover-up society has censored me, and soon that society won't matter much anyway - because we'll be the new elite, so to speak. Clambake era is here.
And when we have the money and the floor, there's no need to censor us at all, because we'll be funding entirely new platforms, entirely new ways to communicate like never before.