"The Transcript" Is A Nothingburger Globos Are Trying To Gaslight Into Impeachable Offense

Are duly elected Presidents allowed to hold polite phone conversations, with other elected leaders, in an official capacity, to make sure that corruption is kept at bay?

If we don’t allow this, why have leaders at all? They’ve set the limbo bar so impossibly low, that no one will be allowed to get through. The press has become predatory, and that’s not their role. Congress has become predatory, too—these nearly lifelong public power addicts, which is not the role the founding fathers laid out for these representatives in Washington.

The angry operatives who pretend to be journalists — you know, the only ones they allow on TV most of the time, the only ones they give blue checkmarks to on Twitter — these sad sacks of post-modern globo soy, who put a paycheck or total occult weirdness ahead of the USA, have turned a benign exchange between two world leaders into something malicious.

The only malicious exchange of words are the militarized scribes in the press, who answer to old Soros, the Clintons’ other wealthy internationalist backers, and the increasingly authoritarian Democratic Party.

SHARE so everyone sees the real document (below), instead of only MSM summaries of “intent.” They are gaslighting hard, it seems.

Normal elected leader to elected leader talk is now suddenly forbidden, according to random triggered pundits in the globalist media.

Normal elected leader to elected leader talk is now suddenly forbidden, according to random triggered pundits in the globalist media.