SAVAGE: European Media Destroys Prince Andrew Over Jeffrey Epstein Visits

If Prince Andrew was so “appalled” by Jeffrey Epstein being a serial pedophile, it is curious that he was recorded leaving Epstein’s Manhattan townhome years after the billionaire was first convicted of being a pedophile.

The same can be said of American tech titan Bill Gates. The Microsoft Corp. co-founder reportedly flew on Epstein’s “Lolita Express” and fraternized with the perverted billionaire years after the world discovered what Epstein was, via his first conviction.

And the European newspapers haven’t even gotten to the sad finale here. We will spoil the ending for you: why do the vast majority of children flown to “the Island” never return, according to pilots’ flight logs? Do they swim back to their home countries? Do they enter a magical mystery Stargate to another dimension? WHERE DO THEY GO?

You’ll figure it out soon enough.

Today’s Sun frontpage, circulated throughout the UK and other parts of Europe—

European media is shattering these “elites” over their pedo billionaire ties: where is the American media’s voice in this round of condemnation? Relatively silent, aside from us, Breitbart, and a select few others.

European media is shattering these “elites” over their pedo billionaire ties: where is the American media’s voice in this round of condemnation? Relatively silent, aside from us, Breitbart, and a select few others.