Nike Takes A Knee

Nike has begun receiving tons of backlash in the aftermath of their announcement that Colin Kaepernick, who began the kneeling momentum within the NFL, was chosen as the face of their new Just Do it campaign. Colin is also involved in a legal battle with the NFL since his exit off the San Francisco 49ers. 

Twitter reacted swiftly with thousands of comments on the move by Nike. 

Many posts had footage of burning shoes, and people denouncing buying any more Nike products. Even Trump and John Rich, part of the Big and Rich band, reacted to the news with their own commentary. 


Less than 24 hours after the ad was released, Nike shares tanked and lost over 3 billion from its market cap.

A Christian college President spoke up as well on the move to remove all Nike products from their college uniforms, stating Nike's idea of sacrifice pales in comparison with the thousands of people in uniform who work daily to protect the nation. 


A Lousiana mayor even banned the purchase of Nike products in the parks and recreation department. 


Chris Kyle's widow, Taya, slammed Nike for the decision, stating their idea of sacrifice is nothing compared to men who lose their lives in the line of duty. 

Many people even suggested other players  would have been much more valuable to the message of sacrifice, such as Pat Tillman, who gave up his football career in the aftermath of 9/11 to serve his country and later lost his life. 


In the aftermath of the ad being aired, memes began to bubble all over the internet, poking fun at the Nike ad. 

Will this move cost Nike? 

Nike very well could be the latest victim in political correctness, who loses out in the end.  Not only has Dicks Sporting Goods been a victim of recent backfiring from political correctness, they also sell Nike products. A potential double whammy for the sliding of sporting goods sales for Dicks. Americans are tired of companies who decide to make everything about political correctness and identity politics. Consumers vote not just at the voting booths, but with their money as well. A lesson that many companies have learned in the aftermath of Trump's election, by choosing political correctness over staying out of the politicized atmosphere that has plagued not only the entertainment industry such as the NFL, but movie theaters, restaurants (red hen) and consumer culture. 


Written By FULCRUM Contributor @PinkAboutIt